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I was feeling so alone always for 3 years now. the person I really love doesn’t feel the same. I always wanted to be with him but I cannot because I he doesn’t want to. I love him so much. We are not far from each other, and in three years, we only met 4 times. he’s telling me all his problems, when he needs help, I am always there for him. it makes me sad when he is sad. it makes me happy when he is happy. buy I can’t be with him. he said, he want privacy space and freedom. that really made me into tears. I can’t explain what pain I have now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @username0001
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @username0001

username @username0001

Girl! He friend zoned you! You need to stop relying on him to be happy or sad or whatsoever. You need to find happiness in other things. First of all, distract yourself. You can pick up a hobby like singing, dancing, sketching, etc. Just spend a half hour to an hour on it (if you have time). Or maybe even read a book! You should totally get rid of these feelings. I’ve been there, i feel ya. Ik exactly how much it hurts when someone texts or calls or meets you only when they need you or wanna rant and stuff. Jeez. He’s a total jerk. You gotta take your mind off him. And for that to happen. You need to tell yourself that you don’t need him or anybody else to be happy. You need to LOVE YOURSELF. yk you aren’t capable enough to love someone unless you can love yourself. You need to spend some time on self care, skin care before bed (at least toner and moisturizer, maybe even a mask), you can go to a salon and get your hair done, you can spend some time at your favorite restaurant and take YOURSELF out on a date with YOU. Yk its wayyy better than going out with someone else (my opinion, i am a loner. And i enjoy spending time with MYSELF). You can even maintain a journal to write your feelings down in or maybe crash in my DMs and rant about stuff. Idm. It has been THREE years, gurl. Three! If he’s giving you a cold shoulder, then you shouldn’t bother much either. Just talk to him as a ‘friend’. These feelings will eventually go away. You might even move on with someone else. I, basically, asked you to move on WITHOUT someone else. But you might as well get a boyfriend. Yk with time. You might meet a guy who would love you. He’ll shower you with all the love you deserve. There’s always someone out there who is made for us. Who cares about us. Who is just as mad about you as you are about this 3-yo-friend-zoned-me-guy. Just focus on yourself. You are a great, amazing and beautiful woman. He’ll understand your worth. Later. Maybe. I don’t wanna give you any false hopes. Have a nice day/night. Feel free to text me!

kb_calm @kb_calm

True, any person who really loves you wont make you feel neglected and alone, if he is asking for space when your clearly not ok with it, get the message loud and clear, he doesnt want to continue, so better to move on and takecare of yourself first, theres much more to life then a bf, heal yourself and take care of yourself, have a beautiful life, the right person will come along eventually…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @username0001

username @username0001

Ikr i mean he is an arse if he cant see it in her eyes. If i were her, i wouldve friend zoned him too. Even before he could friend zone me. Lmao. Alr, joking apart, i hope she gets what i was trying to say and whatever you said too. Life aint about just love or that one person. You can choose to be single and even then you can enjoy your life to the fullest. Without the so called ‘better half’. You dont need anybody to rely on. That’s what everyone needs to know. People are always going crazy over each other. Hormones and stuff. I understand. I am a prey myself but i never make myself look vulnerable in any way. Its… Self disrespect! Maybe. Nevertheless, she needs to focus on her career rather than on him. If he likes her, he’ll eventually come around. But by the looks of it, i don’t think that’s true. :( Sigh.


Hi, thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it. ❤ Hope I can do it soon. Its not easy for me but I will because it affect my daily life.


thank you !


Mostly agree with you, selfrespect part 100 percent, but i feel you do need that one person who you want to share your happy and sad moments, we cant be completely alone but thing is you should not rely your happiness on that person, you should be confident enough that you will fine on your own but your combined happiness will enhance with the person coming into your life, its detached attachments, you should have your own life apart from your partner too, thats why its very important to choose that person who comes into your life very carefully…a relationship should bring peace and happiness into your life, not chaos and confusion…


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