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I wanted to talk to you, tell you how much i miss you but i cant. You hurted me bad, this bad that now i am afraid to even text you. I always let myself down and came back to you after everything but this time i am choosing my self respect. But i still miss you alottttt and everytime i think of you, something aches.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh
Profile picture for Now&Me member @viqas
18 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh

Hope you heal from this hurt. Stay in there. This too shall pass



Y @intrusive

👏👏 for taking a stand for your self respect


Some things come in hard way. You know i have been trying so hard but i am just afraid of getting hurt anymore, i have had enough.

Y @intrusive

Arguing with yourself taking both the sides really helps solve some issues you can try it


But its exhausting and i always end up taking his side and found myself giving explanations or reason for his behavior to me instead of him

Y @intrusive

It’s okay then … It’s the end of the road when you stop doing this … That’s the time of break up .


Its done but what to do about the fact that i still miss him


Yeah but it do hurts right

Y @intrusive

It’s better to have mind clearing talk about it :)
You can talk to a friend … I can do too



Profile picture for Now&Me member @viqas

Viqas @viqas

Hey… Does your name starts with letter F… Bcz I too miss somebody like this… Tell me you’re her…


Umm sorry to disappoint you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @viqas

Viqas @viqas

Urmm… Not hearing this first time…


Dude ask her directly


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