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I want to tell my boyfriend that I love him but we agreed at the beginning of the relationship that we would wait until we’re sure before saying it and that was great but now it feels like word vomit and it’s just going to come out. We wanted to wait because we’ve been hurt in the past and we didn’t want it to happen again but I love him I do in a worry about him getting home ok and talk to his mom kinda love. He’s the sweetest and I know he loves me. I just don’t want to pressure him into saying it back.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @littlelord125
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @littlelord125

SOMETHING @littlelord125

if you love him just tell him 😁

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You can make yourself clear that you love him with small gestures and tell him about your feelings when you feel comfortable and also tell him that he can take his time to recognise his feelings for you.

Sanket @sanket

You just want to express your feelings, is it mandatory to say “I love you”? I mean you can say it in another way, draft your feelings in some another way, maybe showcase it using some gift or similar?

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