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I want to stop feeling like I will get abandoned. To ensure that I am not on the receiving end, i leave ppl if I feel like they are about to leave me. I want to feel normal like it’s 2018 again 😭

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Insecurity that they don’t love me enough or show the same passion towards them that i do


Well I feel you worry too much…take a deep breath…just let it be as it is don’t rush to walk out as soon as you feel they might abandon you, you can’t see what’s in the future…you need to sometimes leave it to others too to make a choice maybe they deep down wanna hold on to you forever…and you’ll never know… Let their choice be theirs…but that never means no one will leave from your life ever…nor does it mean that you should never leave anyone ever either… walking out is as real as walking in… But it’s matter of choice


Yes I do worry too much you are right. Maybe because my parents always use the words from childhood that If u don’t do this we will leave u in the school itself and won’t pick u up 🥲

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I was betrayed by PPL lot cz I used to be too damn naive. Now little less naive but the hurt still remains

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I too believe I need to see therapist sometimes. Thank you for your support ☺️


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