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3am ThoughtsThought


I want to share something serious which somewhere hits me alot that is younger siblings are just dumb and immature and the older one are the responsible and loving and intelligent one?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vanshwiz
16 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @vanshwiz

Vansh Sharma @vanshwiz

Mmm… in my case it’s true


Which one are you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vanshwiz

Vansh Sharma @vanshwiz

Younger one


How many siblings do you have

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vanshwiz

Vansh Sharma @vanshwiz

Just me and my elder brother


You want to share how you feel about it?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vanshwiz

Vansh Sharma @vanshwiz

It suck sometimes… only thing I always get to hear “Why are you not like your brother” everyone just compares…


Ohh it’s really shitty and I think it’s a typical mindset in our society to judge it so quickly without even seeing your part and which I guess makes it more introvert in ourselves

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vanshwiz

Vansh Sharma @vanshwiz

True that… Society is the main reason for the spread of such stereotypes.


Mostly it’s due to stereotypes that most of the parents follow


Do you think it can change?


I’m sorry to tell you it rarely changes, even in my case it didn’t :(


Yeah it’s fine I think this stereotype is got spreaded so widely that this can’t be removed from society and I just wish that it gets lighter by lighter that’s only thing we can do about it


Yesh, I tried fighting them but was just told that I’m being a ungrateful brat so I stopped and now I’m just planning to move out asap. Hopefully all goes well 🤞


Yeah there can’t be negotiation about we had to step aside and because they re from old generation they will follow the stereotype as an honour.


Lol so true, but now I have plan to deal with it. I hope you find yours too. Best of luck


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