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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


I want to share a story with you all…
I was in 2 year relationship with a guy and it was like we’ll stay forever together but recently i broke up with him because I’m moving out of country and there is no possibility that i will return and before moving from country i unblocked my bestfriend whome my boyfriend told me block so that i could leave country without any personal grudges with anyone but now my boyfriend (ex boyfriend) is being so toxic he thinks i broke up with me because of my bestfriend with whom i don’t even talk and that’s making me so stressed because i really loved my boyfriend he thinks all i did these 2 years was fake but this situation came where I’m leaving country i have to break up with him so that he don’t want for me but that’s making so sad and he’s also upset I’m not able to explain him why i did this…any suggestions what should i do?

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