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I want to marry this guys but I’m too afraid if its a right decision. We’ve been on and off and my parents wanted me to marry the same guy i liked but his family is seeing some other girl for him. He doesn’t know that my family is interest and that i am too. I want to text him so bad but we’ve not been talking for months now and I don’t know whether i should text him or just leave things on god. Help!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mathurmastaadmi
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mathurmastaadmi

Tanay Mathur @mathurmastaa...

Luck favours the brave as they say. You won’t get anything in your hands until you actually work for it. So instead of letting it all on fate, you and your parents better try convincing the other family or else, it’ll be too late to just regret the move of not trying at all.


I guess u should express ur feelings to him that u want to marry him and see what’s his response to that and if he really loves u then he will be also feeling the same way u do. Don’t worry, scare or feel awkward it’s the thing that ur just being open to him and in a relationship u must be open to ur partner bcuz being open can makes u feel comfortable with ur boyfriend and where u want to marry him it’s necessary to be. Be cool and tell him ur feelings. And if he doesn’t wants to marry u then ig he’s not ready or he doesn’t wants to. It he doesn’t wants to ig u should leave him bcuz it can make u feel quite sad for my guess and if he needs time then u should give him some time but remember u have only one life and don’t waste it by making silly mistakes . If u think he’s not interested in marriage then idk for me I will kinda be staying away bcuz it can makes me feel bad and sad. Do whatever u think is right but also remember u can also find another guy and God is always there for u and they will make sure that ur life is going good. I hope it can help u. Best wishes <3


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