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I want to make friends but I have a fear and trust issues due to betrayals
By my close ones, should I make friends or not.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @azlan_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
5 replies

See we all have past but due to that we shouldn’t destroy our present and stop living our life so just go and live your life and make friends and if don’t mind then let’s connect…


Everyone has the same feeling. Everyone breaks the bond because of trust issues…Sometimes because of that fear we might lose true friends …So whatever you fear and have trust issue. Always give a chance and have a big heart. I promise you will get more hurt but still in order to find true one we should always give a chance!

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @azlan_

Azeee @azlan_

You can be friends with anyone in the world! But privacy and Feelings matters

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

hey fren 🤍✨ we think talking to an expert might help you. we have an expert feature here on now&me where u can speak to an expert and gain new perspective as well as effective solutions to ur situation. do give it a try. we think u will like it 🧡


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