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I want to happy pls make this happen universe , i didn’t ask you much , why it’s not happening even i try so hard , am i that bad or hard to be loved or to be happy …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @guysoloh
10 replies

no one can make you happy except you


Yes I am doing that , but it’s not making me feel that even if i try so hard that’s what I mentioned


why is it hard? sre you looking for happiness in outside things?


No i dont keep any expectations from anyone , i am fighting with myself and my inner self everyday like a war …


it is okay actually, it takes time when you try to be someone who you aren’t or weren’t. earlier the inner you wasn’t used to happiness so it adapted to that thing, but since you are trying to be happy your inner you is resisting cuz it isn’t aware of what is coming up. it takes time but do not give up. btw what is the definition of happiness for you?


You said true that my inner self is not adopted to happiness bcz half my life i have been sad when I have being happy suddenly I think what is wrong with me why I am not sad about my older self , yes I am fighting for myself to be happy , i want to be happy pls , my version of happiness is being myself no matter what others think of me , doing what I love and being confident , wht about you …also the above comment which you said is so well written i liked it and it made me feel better 🌻


it will take time but you will eventually reach to your destination and i promise , it is as beautiful as it seems🥰. i am applying these things to me as well so told what i got to know or feel😛


Haha sure hope you reach it too😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @guysoloh

Gaurav Tayal @guysoloh

halfway there😌




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