Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Mzme @nothingtosay

I want to die. I have no cofidence. I am fat and ugly and will never find love.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found
12 replies

You must be something else too apart from being fat you know?

Mzme @nothingtosay

How can i make myself believe that? :(

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

You are kind…you are pretty…you are important. 🥺

Mzme @nothingtosay

Thank you.


Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder
So don’t blame yourself they can’t see how beautiful and strong you are in accepting to your situation and able to talk about it. Give it time you will come out of it. If you want to talk we are here. WiseByReading

Mzme @nothingtosay

Thank you. I just feel so alone sometimes


Hey buddy, first of all- THATS NOT TRUE AT ALL. Fuck what society thinks, you’re SOOO beautiful!!! Who says you wont find love?? Give it a while and then I’ll see you commenting about how amazing your partner is. I promise you, happiness awaits. Would you like to talk about anything?

Mzme @nothingtosay

I don’t even know where to begin.


Let’s start with maybe why you feel the way that you do? :)

Mzme @nothingtosay

I’ve always been treated that way. Be it my parents, my school mates. Etc etc.


I know how you feel buddy. We’ve all been there. Being commented on SUCKS. Specially when it’s from your close ones but at the end of the day you need to know that this is just how people are. EVERYONE goes through this. Everyone has been called ugly multiple times- I assure you that. Even Miss World and Miss Universe and what not. That’s just how society is. BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW that it’s NOT true. YOU’RE SO BEAUTIFUL. Please believe that. We’re allll going through the same thing. And we’re here for you, whenever you need us. Virtual hugss!!


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