I want to commit…
Don’t please nothing more than losing your life will be terrible to go through for you and people around you.
I feel like they wouldn’t mind. I’ve been thinking about it for a while to thinking its for the best…
Can you imagine how many people get sad when they see someone doing it someone they have never met or known. People will get sad doesn’t matter they knew you or they didn’t.
Possibly, just…Im not thinking about those facts right now…for some reason that the furthest thing from my mind right now when thinking about this…
You don’t want to die. You just want to end the things forcing you to end your life. And there are lots of ways for that. Don’t choose the easiest one.
Anand @lucifermstar
Well said. 🙌
Anand @lucifermstar
Every emotion is temporary. Happiness, sadness even pain. Vent out here it will help you process those emotions. You should be proud you acknowledged what you are feeling. You are halfway towards your recovery.
Always remember, Commit… is not an option.
I feel like I don’t have any emotions anymore…I know I do it’s just I feel like I don’t have them…
Anand @lucifermstar
It happens, we avoid our emotions to avoid pain. We have to dig through pain to be happy at some point. It’s a journey.
It doesn’t matter if nobody understands you as long as you do. Acceptance is the answer.
I tried to kill myself yesterday.