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I want to become air hostess but I am so confused about what will I do after this because retirement will be after 30 years of age. And I will not have any degree for doing some other job. What shall I do should I leave this carrier? Please anybody help me out of this.

8 replies

I want to become professor after that can I do that please tell me.


What is it that you would like to teach? And in which country. If you are asking in terms of will power, then yes you can do anything you wish to do. But you should look at the guidelines that different countries and universities have to better understand what would be required.


Being an air hostess I want to study for professor (English). But the college I have decided for my studies needs 75%of attendance so I just want to know will I have the time to attend my classes. I want to study for becoming professor when I will be air hostess. Please help me I am so confused.


There are a lot of online courses and open learning colleges where all you have to do is give the exams and you don’t really need to attend classes. Maybe you should check out those, that will be easier to manage with your profession.


It’s really nice but that’s my dream college and my parents also wants me to study in that only. Even for that I can leave my this profession because nothing is more important than my parents happiness. I just want to see them happy nothing else. I was thinking for both but if it is not possible so what can I do. I’ll simply have to leave this profession. Thanks for your help and guidance. I am thankful to you.


No worries, I guess you know what your priorities are. It’s good to make one’s parents happy, I agree. I love my parents very much too. But my only concern is that I hope you do not regret not following your passion when you had the time. But yes, only decide to take that path if you are brave enough. If you are brave enough to build your own path. If you also want to study then that’s great, you should definitely go for it.


Pursue your dreams now. Plan retirement as in, take up some voluntary courses which you can benefit from post retirement. You can also start a small business after retirement.


If you love the idea of travelling and being an air-hostess, then live your dream. You can always document your journeys, and maybe become a blogger to keep a side business going. Who knows, your blog could become huge and get a wonderful following! And yes, I agree with the other person who has said this that you could take up voluntary courses that could be pursued after retirement, or maybe some other small businesses or investment also. You can ask former senior air hostesses also how they did their financial planning, and take some tips from them.


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