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Tanmay @skinnyjean2611

i want to become a software enginnner but i think i cant cause i am not good at chemistry and it sometimes I worry about my future. I want to study abroad and start my career but sometimes i think what if i cant

Profile picture for Now&Me member @secretgirl
3 replies

I don’t think you need to be good in chemistry to become a software engineer. But even if u are not at something and you want to achieve something don’t stop where you are work hard and achieve. You can do anything if u want to

Tanmay @skinnyjean2611

thanks man

Profile picture for Now&Me member @secretgirl

dont worry…i am studing medicine now but i was nill at physics…you will slowly learn like me too dear. its just dont ever leave it thinking u cant do it…give it a try… ik u surely will kill it!


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