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I want suggestion guys,

So my boyfriend and i have been daiting for more than 2 year now and i have been friend with a guy for 3 years who is like a brother to me. I told my boyfriend that nothing will ever happen between me and my friend but he don’t believe be, he always thinks that i will leave him if i got someone who is better than him cause i genuinely love him from bottom of my heart. Idk if he is jealous or maybe toxic for telling that i shouldn’t be friend with any male.

Any suggestions guys cause i am fcked up

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7
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I always do that but he says that he is also friend of some girls he knows better

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7

David @davidcr7

A man, generally, don’t get anxiety that his partner will leave him until their actions make them feel like that.

The thing is, the actions that you considers normal between friends, basically the male friend, is not normal in his perspective.

There is a possibility that you are being ignorant, like how you will fell if he would have behaved the same way with you. That’s the one way to find out what’s wrong.

Other way is read about male’s psychology, that will give you a clear idea how males behave, think and you will be able to understand what exactly is happening with him.

Remember : Do not make him feel bad for feeling insecure that will complicate your relationship even more, if you really want to save your relation.

Remember : when a men goes through this situation, the best solution is giving him time, that is what he is striving for right now, just to be assure that you won’t leave him.

Note : No matter how great your relationship is, a man, if he loves you, won’t feel good around any of his partner’s male friend as if you go through history female was the one for whom man had fought battles and our brains evolved and learnt that man has always been the symbol of provide and protect, which is certainly can be provided by any other male too. So feeling of getting replaced is normal, in man’s life.
The real work is of the female in these situations, patience and avoiding developing hatred against him is going to save your relationship.


Thank you for explaining this to me ❤️

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That’s what i did for last 5 months i didn’t even said anything to by friend i just ghosted him but still by boyfriend says i talk with him and he also has my all socialmedia passwords but still he refuses to believe me

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I will definitely, thanks btw ❤️


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