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I want someone. someone to be there for me and ask me how i’m doing and checking in on me everyday and asking if i’ve eaten or if i wanna hang out someone who will watch movies till 3 in the morning with me or someone who can just be my pillow when i’m tired or a shoulder to lean on when i’m hurt. someone to come to sports games and cheer me on that’s always caring or just believing in me i want to hold someone in my arms that i can call mine and we’ll cuddle and make food and play games and swim and just annoy the hell out of each other until we just look into each other’s eyes and know even when we fight or when we aren’t there that they’re always thinking of one another like it’s so hard sometimes to keep these emotions bottled up inside because i have no one to talk to and if i open up u get told to man up cause guys don’t show emotion like damn i just want someone

5 replies

Well, good news is you’re not alone. All people feel that at some point. When a single woman finishes a romance novel. When a widower looks at young couples wishing he could turn back time. Whenever an overseas worker sees families gathered during holiday. We ALL feel that. And there’s nothing to be ashamed of really. Our emotions are what makes us human. The bad news is that you can’t just force somebody to be your “person”. We all have to get in line and wait. Again, you’re not alone in that :)


It feels like I have written this post. I want someone I can make pancakes with, someone who wants to know how my day was, someone who is happy for the success in my life, someone who shares the sadness too. I know what you feel!


The exact reason I am so lonely… My Pops would ask me all those things/tell me i love you too everyday when I called at lunch or when I got home… Maybe that’s why it felt so good to talk to an old lady friend because she briefly felt the emptiness I am feeling. I just need that person I can turn to and talk and ask all the questions about her day because having conversations with someone who cares brings volume to an empty heart.


That’s so true. When we feel heard by someone at the end of our day can give us immense amount of happiness, I completely agree…


Me too buddy… After my dad’s death on April 6th I have felt lonely as hell. The person that was always there to talk too is gone and now that he’s not here, there is an empty void in my heart. Hung out with an old friend from HS and for the first time in two months it felt good to have someone there by my side to talk too and listen too but that feeling only lasted a day (As those open ears slowly drifted close and make me feel alone like previous)… I guess all of us just need that person to sit and share moments in time with.


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