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I want some honest advice from somebody… What if you love someone but not able to talk with her physically and when you are chatting with her through social media, she is just talking with you about study related. You want to keep the conversation too long but she just answer you in one or two words like ‘Yes’ ‘okay’ etc… When you are seeing her in physically she simply ignore you like you are nothing. How can you make your place to her mind?

7 replies
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But she is not talk with me like frnd then how she will accept the proposal 😞

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You need to find something common between you and her to talk about. You can share memes n all. But if you have already fallen deep in love with her, just express your feelings fast and get done with it. Most probably she will say no. At least you won’t be wasting your time anymore.


Thank you brother! I will surely work on it…

Hitanshi @hitanshi

It is a human psychology that: " we adore them who ignore us and we ignore them who adore us. " I suggest you not to chase her and chase your own passions. Right people automatically come in our lives when we are not in need of people. Have fun and let her go. Because the more you try you will be more disconnected from your own self worth and she will run far more. So let her go and chill. You are worthy and enough to be happy with or without having people.

Pigilam @laaki



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