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3am ThoughtsThought


I wanna be in a relationship (never been in one), maybe go out with someone, but with my past experiences with girls, (the most recent and the most head-screwing one as of yet, having ended last year in September), I dont know if i trust myself enough. Every time I’ve tried talking to a girl with the intention of going out with her, I’ve always ended up messing it up and feeling utterly stupid to have tried, no matter how hard I try not to… in September I’d decided I’d try to lay off of it for a while, cause maybe I’m not ready for it, but here i am, 8 months later back at it again… started talking to this girl on tinder thinking maybe she could be my first, or maybe even the one (okay maybe that’s a stretch, but come on, I’m allowed to think of it like that at least right?), but I don’t know what to do bout it… i feel like I’m being pulled apart by two seperate halves of my brain…

1 reply

I think you should try to be yourself and try talking with more girls and go on more dates. And just put yourself out there and not overthink.


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