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I used to talk to one of my closest female friends in college for the last 3 months and in that time, I developed feelings for her. I used to love her alot and imagined my complete future with her. We used to share everything with each other. One night my world turned upside down when she called me and started crying. Upon asking multiple time, she told me that she went to meet one of her old male friend and she was crying because this guyโ€™s nature and behaviour towards her has changed since she declined relationship with him , despite of her having feelings for him(This is my assumption) because her family will never approve of such relationship like thing. The next day I confessed my feelings to her and I knew she will reject me coz she didnt have any feelings for me and the same happened. I had to do this coz at that time ,I wasnt able to control my emotions. After all this, she dont call me or msg me like she earlier used to do. Sheโ€™s kind of avoiding me but upon my asking she denied it though. Im feeling extremely hurt not bcoz she rejected me(coz I knew that will happen), Im hurt because she didnt tell me about this guy anytime in any of the conversations we had. She even told me all of her familyโ€™s problems, her every personal detail but not this. I thought sheโ€™s single and I fell for her. I developed feelings and likeness towards her. I got soo emotionally attatched with her. And now even the thought of her with any other guy breaks my heart.

What should I do? Should I wait for her to see my love someday or should I distance myself from her and move on in life which is the hardest thing to even think right now. Moreover if any one can pls explain any reason why she didnt tell me about this guy earlier in our conversations bcoz if so had been the case, I would never have developed feelings for her and get soo emotionally attatched with her???

3 replies

Why do u love her ???


I dont know why I love her. Over time I realised that I have strong feelings for her and when she mentioned about the other male friend of hers while crying, I realised my love for her as I cannot see and imagine her with anyone else.
Moreover it isnt attraction as she was with me in the same class for 6 months and we didnt used to talk. We just co-existed earlier. But when we became friends and started talking n getting close to each other, I developed feelings for her n started loving her.


Lol that means thereโ€™s no attraction. U love her as friend bro . Attraction doesnโ€™t grow over time . It either exists or it doesnโ€™t


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