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I used to talk to a girl everyday but now she’s too busy in her life
I want to call or text her but don’t have any topic now because most of the time she doesn’t reply and all these things are effecting my personal life I want to drink alcohol, smoke cigarette or cry
(I stopped smoking around 4 years ago and I don’t drink alcohol much)
I lost interest in almost everything I enjoyed

7 replies

If she is busy with her life then why don’t you just move on with it already? If she deserved your love she would have talked to you or tried to sort everything out but she didn’t. Which proves she isn’t interested anymore. Why are you letting your guard down for someone who doesn’t deserve it. Just focus on self love my friend. Know your worth and of the people who really love you. I am sure you will be fine .


Yeah I’m trying my best to move on but at night it haunts me I keep on thinking about her so just to relax I need to drink
Will try not to have alcohol at home to stop drinking


Forget about her. No girl is worth you drinking and smoking for. Stay sober. Don’t drink bc a girl isn’t answering. If you’re old enough, go to a bar and meet other girls there. Continue life without her, don’t let your feelings for her hold you back. ❤

- xoxo ❤


Thanks a lot for replying it’s just it’s my mistake I fell for and now I don’t know how to confess infront of her
Because this friendship is important
I don’t want too loose her
At night I feel like hell so just to stop thinking about her I started drinking alone


May be she is not intrested anymore and you are past that talking phase and now your emotions are involved. My friend you can’t do anything about it. People don’t get busy they ignore and will come back to you when they are out of options. So make yourself busy with other things like for example explore dating apps (i know it is bullshit) to get over that “someone to talk to” void. Dont go there with any expectations just try making small talks and some casual flirting. Don’t try making serious connections there. Hope you will move on with that.


Thankyou so much for replying surely I will try all this


Or you may also try sleeping early 😴😆. It will remove your problem altogether.


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