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I used to be really oustanding in class until high schools were over but during the gap years, I felt I lost my apetite for studies. Here I am lazing around in my University years. My concentration in class has improved but I can’t study at home as I keep falling asleep. But it still hurts my consciousness as I know myself that I’m not studying enough. And I get mad if people keep asking me about things I haven’t revised well…arrr any advice?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @glucosedrips
3 replies

it wont matter in next few years. dnt stress…
take it easily… but during time…study well, take a small part and complete it…

Reward yourself for small successions. You will do good than you have imagined. All the best kid. Love. :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @glucosedrips

Glucose @glucosedrips

It seems you have chosen something you don’t have appetite for or you’ve decided to side track from career. Many of us have this phase. Hopefully something will tick and bring you back to where you were. Meanwhile try to pull yourself up and do bare minimum. Don’t completely abandon it. Open your text book. Read atleast one page if not entire chapter. Don’t lose the habit of studying.

Tarun Bhardwaj @tarunbh009



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