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I use to had two friend ( online) and I lost one last month and now I lost another…it feels like there is something seriously wrong with me…I don’t exactly know what went wrong…but I seem to mess up everything and this has created so much fear in me…I am scared to talk yo ppl thinking I might offend them or something…u would seriously like to change myself…but i don’t knwo what exactly j have to change in myself

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jot
9 replies

Hey wanna talk it we can talk in a private space (means talking privately ) where you can tell me everything and it will be safe and I wanna help you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jot

Thesilentbuddha @jot

Nthin gonna happen…jus relax…m here for u…:)


It so does happen to me as well… Before speaking I think 100 times wether I should or shouldn’t… It happens… Ull get rid of this problem once you try to socialise with people.


I hope so


All the best!!


If you are below 18 then I must say for your future that nobody is permanent. Make new friends. Make Many close friends. But seriously never make bestfriend you will never know when they will convert into your foe. And if you ever want to make bestfriend, search over social media or meet with someone whom your mates never saw him/her. When you will be of 25-26 you will get to know, their is no such things like bestfriend. Be friends with everyone even your foe, help everyone, listen carefully to their secrets but never ever spit those things to other. People will start loving you, try to be as funny as you can. People will come to you spontaneously. You will be attractive to everyone. But never ever think of making bestfriends, be close with everyone still. If you want her back, just be friend with her. Clear doubts which has been created. Just normally ask her for study related material maybe she will help you.


Thank you…for sharing this with me…I know it’s a late reply…but ur words helped…


NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU. Sorry I just needed to really put that in your brain. You don’t have to change yourself for No One you hear me well unless you are a clown, a mime or something


Thank you… I really needed to hear that…I know it’s a late reply but it felt nice to hear it


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