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shanaa @shana_9

I thought I have someone to call my male best friend but Idk his insensitivity and emotional absence is making me hate him or urging me to break this 3yr old friendship. Though we haven’t met but we talk a lot. I feel like Whenever I need emotional support from him he divert the topic but whenever he needed that support I was always there.
Recently my father got hospitalised due to heart problem and He asked me where am I as I was not active socially I did tell him my father is unwell that’s why I’m not active. He left the msg on seen and didn’t even bother to ask what happened to my father…after hours he asked what happened and when I messaged him, the msg didn’t even deliver… I’m hurt by this as I’m questioning the credibility of this so called friendship… When you can’t be sensitive to your friend’s family then how can you call me as your best friend?? I don’t know if I’m being too sensitive or is it actually a concern.! Should I confront him on this or not… or carry on with this attitude that you can’t count on people even if they call you as their best friend?

4 replies

You should confront him about this.


Hey people nowadays are like this … but care for ppl who return your efforts … atleast Now u know his nature more so act accordingly in future … I too go through this most of the time

shanaa @shana_9

Yeah…will keep that in mind now. Thank you😊


My pleasure:)


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