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I thought i had self respect, but i actually don’t have any, at all. I let people run over me every time, i am the one who says sorry every time even if i am barely or at no fault at all, i rarely get any sorry back even though I’ve been hurt a million times , i am the one who always has to make compromises to keep my friendships alive.
I have all kinds of mean things said to me, while i just can’t bring myself to do it to the other person.
I hate myself, and i don’t think I’ll ever be able to change myself. I’ll always be the person who everyone will run over and i will suffer just because i love them and i feel unloved myself.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @saurav04
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Sorry to hear that. Hope you find your peace.


I probably never will, maybe because i dont deserve it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saurav04

Saurav Kumar @saurav04

Learn to standup for yourself!


Hi5 buddy. But hey you have something else , it’s compassion, care , love , kindness and most importantly pureness , so keep it up man and be happy that you are different from others


I am still alone, i have no friends, not any that care about me


No can change. Once upon a time i was like you only, but then i started focusing on things that really matter in my life, people who really matter, started creating boundaries, got some positive attitude, read books, positive stuff on ig, started observing other people’s behaviour than applied that on my behaviour like analysing myself. You need to love yourself and the first step to love yourself is to stay kind to yourself, never speak negativily even in your head about yourself it impacts on your body and mental health. Just take time to time breaks for yourself. And you were never bad you are just too kind, and this world can’t respect too much kind people. Hope this helps ❤️


What’s the point of being kind, if it’s only gonna make me end up alone?


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