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3am ThoughtsThought


I think the most unfair thing I see around is pretty privilege. If you are conveniently beautiful you are treated better , loved , you are given more opportunity and you can literally gain followers buy making just a 60 second video so why do we judge others who try to fit in by gain/lose weight or put filters on their face they just wanna be treated better and there is nothing wrong with that I am not promoting beauty standards but trying to say let’s stop judging others for trying to look pretty or without knowing their story everyone has their own insecurities about themselves. Let’s spread love ❤️

6 replies

Nishi G @blankfathealz

True enough
Well instead of judging them we can try to make them feel comfortable in their own skin or we should motivate them for changing things about themselves not under influence but for their own upliftment and there isn’t anything wrong with wanting to fit in and looking pretty because we all want to be accepted and loved by people around us .


Definately true. I grew up believing I had no true value because I was never seen or heard because I was not as pretty as others. Did all the make up and photoshop to get some validation from strangers on the internet. I eventually convinced myself that I didnt need to impress people with how I looked, I simply had to be the best version of myself without looking for validation and eventually people noticed the other potential I had as a human being and I was appreciated for that. I dont know how old you are but it gets better with time.


I am 13 ……. I know I am pretty young to think about all this and worry about it but lately I have understand that social media is just a delusion you gotta be happy and feel loved in your own skin!


Yes you are young but its very normal to feel that way at your age. Teenagers are definately the cruelest people out there, I hated those years of my life. In the adult world people are a lot more accepting and we come in all shapes and sizes and we mostly only care about what value you can add to our lives. Not everyone will be your friend of course but looks are much less important. It also depends on who you surround yourself with. But just hang in there, I promise it gets better.


I wish I surpass these years asap 😭

Lisa @lisaidk

It does come with its own set of complications though. Lots of bills and responsibilities. But if I had to choose, I would not go back


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