Ace @acethedyke
I don’t know what i am
What’s the first thing that hit you to this conclusion
Ace @acethedyke
I hate my chest and i always wanted a d**k
You’re growing just fine darling 😂it’s curiosity and stage of sexual growth
Ace @acethedyke
But i mean i hate being a girl sometimes
Now that’s helpful let’s focus that hate…where does that come from???when you get horny???
Ace @acethedyke
I’m sorry what?
😑😑😑😑😑 your overthinking
Stop that and you’ll be fine
Ace @acethedyke
Ace @acethedyke
I’m scared
It’s like getting pimples on your face while you’re in teen/young days…it happens to everyone…everyone feels scared and try to take precautions but it happens anyways… that’s totally normal so you don’t have to worry…CHEEER UP!! Enjoy the feelings and moments
1) Wait till you turn 20.
2) Talk to a therapist (when you turn 17, take sessions for 3 years). You’ll anyway need a certificate to get on your hormones.
3) Detransitioning can have lasting effects - if you are on testosterone you male voice won’t change back, oestrogen might have similar effects. So do not get anything done in your teens except for therapy.
4) At 20/21/22 if you still feel you’re stuck with the wrong body, go to a doctor with your therapist’s note of consent for transitioning.
Lol why are people saying it’s a phase and you’re overthinking and whatever 😭. Don’t listen to them. I’m not trans so i cannot relate with exactly what you might be going through but if it’s a gut feeling and you have started having doubts, you probably are trans. And that’s totally okay. Ik you know that, but im just going to reassure you anyways, it’s fine that you’re trans. You should definitely talk to a therapist tho, they will help you figure out exactly what you’re feeling and maybe what you can do about it. Also I’m sure there’s interviews and articles about trans people, read those and see if they went through something similar. You got this!!
Ace @acethedyke
Sky/Griffin @justenoughlig...
Bro wtf there’s so many transphobes here…
Anyway, first of all, remember that there’s nothing wrong with you. Being trans doesn’t make you broken or a bad person.
Secondly, make sure you are in an accepting environment if you plan to come out. Don’t put yourself in danger.
You can connect with me, I can help you out further and help step-by-step. I’m also trans and I always love helping out fellow trans people :)
Ace @acethedyke
im already connected with u lol