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Body DysmorphiaThought

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i think im starting to develop an ED. i don’t know at this point. i used to starve myself for hours even a day or more and now i over-eat / stress eat. like i starve myself all day at school, then eat a whole pizza, chicken nuggets and other foods and i’m still hungry. it’s like how much i can eat expands every day. i don’t know what this is.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crc
Profile picture for Now&Me member @justenoughlight
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @crc

Zane @crc

I feel the same but I hope you take care of yourself


why don’t you eat all day at school? do you just not get hungry or is there any other reason? I’m curious


i do get hungry, most of the time but i also think im starting to have a fdd/bdd which basically means i dont like people seeing my face, at all. so i’ll do anything to not be humiliated for my looks. my class makes fun of me for always wearing a mask and literally almost nobody knows what i look like even teachers. i do eat sometime at school but in hidden places.


ohh i think i get it, I’m in college, but now that I remember I used to not eat sometimes too when I was in highschool, that was because my few friends at that time weren’t all the time with me so I’d be left alone and I wouldn’t want to go all the way to the cafeteria by myself. For a period of time I used to avoid hallways at all costs, for the same reason as you, I didn’t like the looks others would give, I would think too much of the way my face and body looked like, I guess it was also bc of social anxiety. I didn’t even realize when, but at some point I started doing all kinds of things being alone at school I figured that they cared about my looks as much as I cared about theirs, and that was zero haha, and even if they thought (or still think) that I’m weird it literally doesn’t affect me, I’m still me, you are still you, some negative thoughts or words from strangers won’t change anything in your life or the things that you love:D sounds cliche but you decide how much power they have over you, i guess it might take time and circumstances to really get that

So… I don’t know if this helps at all, I guess I think all the unbalanced eating might be because you’re not eating at school, or are you extremely worried about your weight too?


i don’t really ever question my weight, no matter what i eat it never really changes. i havent weighed myself in years


it might also be the food your eating, maybe try to regulate the times and the food you eat, maybe try to eat fruits and vegetables along with chicken nuggets and pizza? either way good luck, I hope everything turns out well

Profile picture for Now&Me member @justenoughlight

Sky/Griffin @justenoughlig...

It sounds like a mix of anorexia and BED. I would say bulimarexia but it doesn’t sound like you are purging.
If you have anyone you can talk to who you trust, I’d recommend talking to them. EDs suck, and no one should go through one alone. I’m always here for you as well, I’ve struggled and am still struggling with bulimarexia and I know what it’s like.


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