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I think I’m falling in love with my bestfriend, and I’m scared that he won’t feel the same way about me .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89
7 replies

Wish i had friends:')
Anyway just tell him about your feelings. You’ll never know how he feels about you if you don’t tell him.


50 years ago, the biggest fear people had was “how will I feed my kid”, will there be another war? will I die of smallpox? How do I keep a roof above my head and my family? We simply haven’t had a chance to let our evolutionary defaults catch up with our modern existences. Our brain has not adapted to the new lifestyle yet so it keeps releasing cortisol (stress hormones) for things that have never happened, or might not happen. It is all in our heads. My point is, we tend to waste a lot of time wondering whether we should do something or not. Life is too short to be worrying IF THINGS WILL GO WRONG. Now I am not going to tell you to ask him out, it is your choice. What I would say is to decide what you want to do, and stick to it. Never ever regret it. Life is too short for regrets.

If you are going to ask him out, it is not a crime. I am sure even if he is not into you, he will understand and support you. Well, that’s what good friends do anyways.

Take chances in life. Seneca said, " We often suffer in our imagination that in reality". Don’t worry too much. Life is short.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

Any updates? Did you confess? Did he ask out that other girl??


Noo, he didn’t ask that girl out. He deleted her number. Im gonna tell him when I meet him ,I don’t wanna to it over the phone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

Nice! All the best! 😊😊


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