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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I think I’m afraid to be myself, or maybe I’m not sure how to be myself?!. It’s been quite a while since I’ve felt like a stranger in my own skin, but I think nobody really cares. There are some members of my family who’ve given me real trauma, but I don’t know how to act around them when they act all sweet and caring. They’ve always compared me my cousins, and that’s the worst thing you do to a kid, especially when you constantly make them feel like they don’t measure, that you don’t work as hard or you’re not as intelligent than them. My whole life this has affected my mental health and self esteem. And eventually I came to believe that I’m not worth it, I started believe that I’m not enough. And now I don’t know how to be myself, and feel good about the person I am. How do I feel that I’m enough, I try very hard, but I always end up self sabotaging, and feeling that everyone’s better than me. My cousin went to US a few months ago for their studies and ever since then I’ve been feeling like I’m a failure, and that no matter what I do I can never measure up, I don’t feel good about myself, I don’t feel comfortable in my skin. I don’t know what to do, I’ve tried self love, I’ve tried positive thinking but I need to know how do I accept/embrace me, how do I become so comfortable with myself that I don’t feel the need to check or compare me to anyone.

2 replies

Have you tried keeping a journal? It helps in clearing your thoughts. Also I would suggest you to watch some movies, not specifically motivational ones but all types of them


I have actually, but I’m not sure how to really maintain one, like , what elements do I write, I’ve always found myself really confused with what to write, and yes movies do help a lot for sure, I always feel positive whenever I watch something I’m interested in


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