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3am ThoughtsThought

Bleh @anon58

I think i can never get attached or love someone whole heartedly. I have gone through 2-3 bad breakups and finally am in a good relationship. The other person tries to give in his best and obviously expects the same from me. But no matter what i do it seems impossible. I want to and i even try to , but it feels more like a burden. And this has obviously started to affect my current situation as well because obviously the other person deserves reciprocation. I cannot communicate my feelings, i can’t communicate if there’s something bothering me or i feel bad about. Can anyone suggest how do i work through it ?

3 replies

Nishant Gupta @nishant_coo...

I am going through same thing, cannot put anymore efforts in my relationship even if i want to. I have understood that such things aren’t for us. And this situation is gonna change any soon.

It’s better to stop your emotions from worrying about other’s opinion about you if things go bad. If something is not working then it is better to end it at early stage before it turns toxic.

Nishant Gupta @nishant_coo...

Not* gonna change


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