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Profile picture for Now&Me member @adonisprince79

PrinceJ @adonisprince79

I sometimes wonder “What if i suddenly disappear from everywhere.” Does that even bother anyone? Does my absence in their life bother them even a bit? I don’t know anymore.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @adonisprince79
9 replies

You might think it won’t but I know it will. When someone “disappears” it’s not like they vanish, eventually someone will come looking even if they don’t know you or have a proper relationship to you. You may matter to people you don’t know about. You can’t quantify how people feel about you. I know it might feel like no one will care but I know I will after reading this. A complete stranger who doesn’t even know you. Everyone has an impact, big or small and your existence is noticed 💛

Profile picture for Now&Me member @adonisprince79

PrinceJ @adonisprince79

I just wish I had people like you atleast considerate enough to tell me that my existence matters you know? Like not from everyone but atleast from whom I call friends or who call me friends. thank you. I just wish for some good friends that’s all


I get you. Especially with friends it can be difficult. I made a friend over the last year and she recently blocked me out of now where and I was so hurt and upset by it. But I realise, sometimes it’s hard to make good friends because people find friendships hard to maintain. Friendships are built naturally without obligations or blood ties. I’m sure you will find your people you just got to keep looking in the right places. Do stuff that you genuinely enjoy and that makes you happy and try to befriend people who are doing the same. Xbox was one of the first ways I actually became friends with people I really didn’t think I would have (that doesn’t really make sense but I think you get what I mean). Just know people relate Fr even as adults :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @adonisprince79

PrinceJ @adonisprince79

I hope I find the right way to find my people. Thanks friend. I am happy that you took your time to try help me out. I hope the best for you🙌🏻

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I’m glad my words helped you out, your new friend Sofia :)

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @adonisprince79

PrinceJ @adonisprince79



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