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I sometimes feel really lonely and this makes me anxious inside, I bearly have friends, I am a single child and even though I have important things to do and also want to improve myself I still end up feeling really heavy inside I had a good social life almost a year ago and now there isn’t anyone around. There is a void that never seems to go away from me. I tried journaling and yes it does help but isn’t a permanent solution and that emptiness inside doesn’t seem to go away.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnwatson
Profile picture for Now&Me member @babysher
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnwatson

John @johnwatson

That’s good to see you taking steps to improve. Journaling is a good thing keep doing it.
Try to socialise more by joining some clubs etc? Read more books or join book clubs etc?


I am a student and I only go outside for attending offline classes. And there are very less people whom I find genuine to talk to. Most of them are just not the kind of people I want to get engaged with.


Hey! You’ll be alright soon, and just know it will all be worth it. All those sleepless nights, sacrifices, when you invest in your future, it may look scary at once, but gives the highest pay-check of your life! Just know we’re proud of you.

I’m a student too, perhaps a JEE aspirant, my exam is scheduled April 6, wish me luck!!

Also I’m here for you, so may I interest you in a connection? I’d love to know you more! Just drop your Id, and I’ll connect with you within 12 hours!


Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnwatson

John @johnwatson

I forgot to revert to the post owners message 😭
Thank you kind person for this reply.
Also All the best to you too!

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Hey all the best for jee! Do tell me how it goes. Thank you for helping me :)) well I am not using any social platform right now but if you want you can connect to me here only, I would love to talk :)))

Profile picture for Now&Me member @babysher

Shravan @babysher

Well hey there!
Oh it’s fine, take a chill pill, I’m disconnected from the digital world too as of now, hell lot of distractions on some days. I’ll for sure update you after my exam, Thank you for the luck! I’ll do the best I can!

Also for the purpose of connection, I’m leaving a text with my profile! Do add me up ;)

Hope you have a beautiful day! <33

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