naina mishra @naina01
I seriously need help…tell me how to control my anger or i will end up losing everything
Hello there, I don’t know how serious your anger issue is, but I’m just writing this hoping it will be helpful. I used to have anger issues and my boyfriend told me that I hurt his feelings when I became mad. That really rings a bell in my head. I told him how I was feeling and I was sorry, that I don’t mean to hurt his feelings. So he helped me going through that, mediation, self-control. Try mindfulness method, where you control and feel things around you, you can looking it up those are works well on me, acknowledge where your anger came from, keep in mind that you are controlling yourself because you are the only thing you can control in this world. Maybe in my case I have someone to support me so it was easier than I thought it would be, maybe you can talk to your closest one about this.
I hope you get better :)
naina mishra @naina01
Honestly…this means a lottttt
Ace @acethedyke
I also have anger issues…its hard…but eventually…it will calm down like for me…
You just have to stay silent in that moment … And that Silence will heal your anger … It’s hard but trying it will help you
I also have anger issues
But something which helps me is
Never react immediately
Just take a min or 2
And then react… after a pause you’ll be less agressive
Notice when you are angry and dont say anything to anyone when you are angry. Worked for me. Might work for you as well.
Look many people are suggesting same thing. Just dont react when you are angry.
Hey i know anger issues sometimes really exhaust you but don’t let it totally consume you
Just put your hands in ice cold water and try to cool down by thinking about positive things happened with you or you did something good for someone or Simply just talk or share how and why you feel like this 😊