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I separated from my (now ex-wife) in November of 2019. We had been married for 15 plus years but had grown more and more apart in the last few years. This was largely due to the un-usual relationship between her and another woman. Many people had asked me if they were sexually together. It had gotten to the point that this woman would be at home in my kitchen cooking before either my wife or myself would get home. I had zero alone time with her and had been trying to bring that to her attention for quite sometime. This was far and beyond having the normal/occasional girls time. They seemed to think it was ok with me for both of them to sleep in the same bed as me at times. I realize that some people and guys would love this but this is just not who I was. This person and her husband (who seemed to be fine with everything) had also been bad for us in respect to alcohol. We had always drank but now found myself drinking almost daily. She is was a very toxic person that had wedged herself into my marriage. This had been getting worse since 2016 when we met and they entered our life. I’m not claiming to have been a perfect husband or that I am innocent of everything that effected our relationship. However, I do feel like we would still be married if we had never met them.

I met another wonderful woman before I was even divorced and am still seeing her to this day. I’ve moved on from my ex-wife and realize that while we had a good 12 years or so that we just no longer are good for one another. We want different things. I’m to the point where I am thinking of asking my now girlfriend to marry me but I do not want to move too quickly. A lot of my concern is that would have to move about 45 minutes away from where I am now and am concerned about what my family will think and how that will effect my son, who I share custody with my ex-wife. My ex still likes to try to control/manipulate her time with him and it ends up leading to arguments with her. I feel like that I could keep my son in his current school and keep my job ( I work for the same school system he attends). One side of me feels more independent than I ever have and knows that I shouldn’t really care what the rest of the world thinks. But the other side of me knows that I do not want my family to be permanently upset with my decision or hold any kind of ill will towards my now girlfriend/would be wife. I would also have to sell my house that I just bought this past summer, which is right next door to my best friend and his wife. I feel like they would be upset because they want her to move in with me, but that just isn’t an option for her because of her kids. So that’s another concern.
I do know that I love this woman dearly and in many ways mesh with her so much more, do way more things and share more in common than I ever did with my ex-wife. When I’m not with her, I find myself wanting to be able to see her. We have discussed eventual marriage so it’s not something that’s just me. We have a beach trip planned for this summer with all of our kids as well, so I’m looking forward to that.
I’m not really on here to ask anyone anything about this but I’m just having times of anxiety over not knowing the future and just a general un-settled feeling at times. I thought that writing it out and reading some things could provide a sort of clarity for me.

1 reply

Its good that you vent it out.
I wish you all the very best for your future.


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