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I see so many post about looking for love or either being heartbroken. Why are you guys trying so hard to get into love ? Why not just live your life and eventually fall in love. If you keep pushing yourself to find love you will end up heartbroken. You will eventually find love but you won’t get time to live your life. It’s better you find happiness without being in a relationship first. If you only depend on happiness from dating it will leave you heart broken and it will traumatise you when they break up ( which they will do ) .

31 replies
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I hope people can understand this. All these romantic movies that make you want to fall in love only show the good side they don’t show you how toxic it can get.

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

So true 💯

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LostSoul @ratii12

HahHa that’s nice.

LostSoul @ratii12

Did you go through heartbreak ?

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LostSoul @ratii12

That’s good

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LostSoul @ratii12

You have been away from unnecessary drama. Due to romantic movies and shows people have been rushing into relationships as if it’s the last day on earth😂. Creating a toxic environment for everyone.


Hey,it was not a relationship call.
It was just a friend seekin friend talk call.
Had my mind been busy and clear with someone i actually think I could have expressed myself out.
I would have gone completely fine.
Let me know what do you think.

LostSoul @ratii12

I am sorry I am a little confused. What is this related to ?


I disagree. The issue here is we need all at the same time. “Self love” or “Self validation” at the same time as friendship" and “love”. All 3 are primal social needs. Like we need air, water and food all at the same time. Some need more of one thing while other need others. But they are mutually exclusive. “Why not just live your life and eventually fall in love.” - Eventually is a subjective term, how far is eventually and whats wrong if one tries explicitly. Yes, they fail, heart breaks happen they are supposed to happen. That doesn’t men you need to stop an iota of effort in trying to chase friendship or love. One needs to make sure that friendship or love doesn’t come at a personal cost. But that’s a tough ask though.


I don’t think getting love from someone else is a need. It’s wrong to rush into it as you will end up making a mistake and hurt yourself and the other person. Some relationship that are rushed into get so toxic that it leads to mental problems. If you need love so badly why not wait for the right person and then get that love ? You can’t live without air , water or food but I think you can manage pretty well without love from others. You have self love work on that. You have friends and family love and eventually you will get love that you want. Eventually is not far away. When you are mentally and emotionally ready you will automatically feel things for someone but when you are not ready and you still decide to date just to feel love how is that good ? How is that good for anyone ? That’s why you don’t find love you fall in love.

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Yess that’s so true 👍


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