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I see my brother screaming and yelling all the time and my parents never say a word instead they do everything whatever he wants. But whenever I try express my opinions, they say that I’m spoilt and disrespectful. DISCRIMINATION!!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lughtedst
13 replies

I guess Your brother must be oldest child or the youngest one

It always happens like this
But I think that’s not discrimination, i guess they don’t understand your opinions or whatever you say , you should make it more clear to them


I’m elder to him. I have a kid and I’m a divorcee. I have my own job and place to stay. He completed his education and says that he doesn’t want to work & roams around. What word can we use here? Partiality? Gender bias?


Young people usually have this perspective that they wants to be cool n all type things
But there will be a time when reality hits them and they get to know that they are not the ones who are right .
The phase they are now going through, many had passed through that phase
So i think you should talk to him or handle with some care
Cause young ones are little bit soft inside
Things and words hit them hard

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lughtedst

light @lughtedst

i’m sick of trynna understand him


So don’t give up man you can do this hm
All the best😉


I am at a stage where I can’t understand my own brother. Can’t expect you to understand. Thanks!!


oh my god I go through the same thing!


Hey you’re the best person never ever forget that…its gonna be alright have faith and patience everything will be good soon…!

chirag surana @chirag22

If you earn enough
Leave that house and live alone and peacefull
That’s thet best thing you can do!


Yep. In the process


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