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3am ThoughtsThought

Dawn27 @dawn27

I saw that a lot of people on this site have posted about feeling lonely and I’m no different. I’m not dating anyone as such but have been in touch with a guy for over 8 months now. I absolutely love to talk with him. But, even if we start dating I don’t know how well that will go since I have a few insecurities about myself and feel that he might be too good for me. I also subconsciously worry thinking about what if he finds someone better? Would he still choose me? Idk

4 replies

Well you can talk to him about your insecurities. I used to think exact same thing and rejected every boy(there weren’t many tbh)who approached me. But this once I found one I told him how I used to feel about myself n everything that I was insecure about. It’s better to inform him before than after committing at least he’ll love you and will be with you even after knowing em. It’s hard but it’s better this way. And honestly not every boy wants a model like girl. Some might even love the things that you’re insecure about. Much love to you🥰❤

Dawn27 @dawn27

Hi. Thank you for replying. I felt good after reading it 😊


I happy that you felt good❤


I think when you say he might be too good for you…you think highly of him but not for yourself…love yourself ya…no guy is worth that much…learn to love yourself…I learnt this the hard way…when you give more importance to others you are sometimes taken for granted…while I understand what loneliness is…I also understand self love…I also understand what validation from others means…self validation matters most…love yourself dear


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