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I remember there was this one company I really wanted to get into, I was so nervous that I messed up the entire interview ugh I can never forget that.

What’s one interview you can never forget?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @life_unshackled
6 replies

I was interviewed for an intern, he asked me about my cricket interest, and we went on for 15 minutes discussing that 😂


I want to have such interviews uff


Are still I didn’t get it 😂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @life_unshackled

Lots of them. I remember going into an interview with this Medical devices company - one of the biggest in the world and I totally messed up my first round. The question was ‘Why marketing after having worked in Tech?’

I blanked out on a reply and just about fumbled some gibberish. Made me want to go hide somewhere after the interview but hey that’s life and sometimes we fumble and make mistakes and at other times we do so well on an interview that we were not expecting anything out of.


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