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3am ThoughtsThought


i remember that i posted a pic and i posted my boy bsf reaction and my bf saw it but he didn’t react to it but when it came to the break like one week later he said he got jealous or mad but he lost feelings for me around that time but then after the break up he already was talking to another girl and he left me for that girl

2 replies

Aakanksha @sadsoul0happyfa...

I know this sucks.
People do the same thing, they hate if someone else does that.
I have been into that situation, and now after thinking on it rationally all the unfair things are in front of me but what can we do?
the other person did what he wanted to.
Let’s just move forward with our lives too.

I hope you’re doing okay.
Take Care.


It happens. Him getting jealous is one thing, him seeing another person is different (not acceptable ) . Consider you dodged a bullet. Wish you the best in future


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