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Long Distance RelationshipThought

Caminante @caminante

I recently met this girl online and started getting feelings for her. I told her and she didn’t say anything. We are on different countries and we both have some issues to work on. It seems like it could never happen something between us.
When I kept insisting about my feelings for her she suggested to take some time off and that I should only contact her again if I really want a life with her. This is confusing.

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Keep on trying


She just needs space and time to think.
And she also wants you to understand that its not going to be easy.
Now, if she has replied to your confession and she ‘loves you too’.
It’s all about how you assure her that this is going to work between you, that how much you are serious abt this.
Its abt making her believe that you are not just going to ghost her one day.
Hope that helps :)


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