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I recently had a break up from a 3 years relationship. I broke up because he wanted me to quit my studies and marry him I 3 or 4 yrs. And after that no job just cook and stay home. He said even if he’s wrong who the hell I am to tell him because this is thing happening in his family.
He blamed me for not caring about him and his family calling me a selfish.
But what he said was to leave my dreams my family and everything for him, he’ll keep me happy with everything I want he said and I know he wld have but what about my choices.
Me and friends said u r right but i don’t know why I think I did him wrong .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anonymous1303
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anonymous1303

I would no…

Being in a relationship but losing your own identity as individual is not at all correct. You deserve all happiness along with your choices not something which your partner is forcing you.

I do understand the adjustment factor but not on all the aspects.

But one thing I want to know is did you ask or told him abt your thoughts or your willingness ?


Yeah I told him, but only after that things changed he just want me to do nothing.
And he used to curse my dreams thought and career
He left with me with no option rather than leaving him.
And now he’s posting emotional stuff on his instagram for me to change my decision

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anonymous1303

See being with him can give you happiness for a while but leaving your dreams changing yourself as a complete person will that be okay for you ?? I don’t think so…

He can’t control your life, he should understand and respect you and your choices otherwise it won’t work…

Don’t make a doubt on the decision which you took… you did right for yourself and for him as well


You didnt do him wrong.
You shouldn’t lose your dreams cause of anyone.
Same applies to him too, who the hell was he to tell you how to live your life.
You did the very right thing.
I find him toxic and narrow minded.
Just cause you are a woman and just cause you are married, no one gets to tell you to give up on your dreams.
Let it go. Dont beat yourself up for things you couldnt control.
Love yourself and work hard and reach your dreams and never let him in again. Dont look back.
Stay strong.


Thankyou 🌟


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