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I recently broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years. We were in long distance relationship all this while. I broke up wdh him cuz each time we had a slightest of disagreement he would say stuff like I’m fed up of you, i give up. I don’t want to explain myself anymore…etc.
After our breakup, he realised his mistake and kept asking me for a second chance ( this has happened for quite sometime now…each time we had argument he says stuff like these and then later realises it).
But this time I was really done and we broke up. He kept convincing me to give him a second chance. In that heat of arguments i told him, if I see a genuine change in him, I’ll give this relationship a second chance. He has really changed. But I’m not sure if he is dng this just to impress me or something.
Also, I’m not sure of giving this relationship a second chance…the things he told me were very hurting and i tried really hard to forget all of them but i couldn’t.
Can you please tell me if I should really give him a second chance? And if yes, how can I forget whatever he told me previously?

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I’m not able to forget them. Each time I talk to him, I get a flashback of all those things.
Is there any way I can forget them?

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The same happened with me . Id suggest take a break n be on your own for some time . Yall need space n after a month maybe see if it still bothers n if it does then end it


Ohh n btw by break i meant take space from eachother .

Abhishek @abhish

See from my experience once broken up it’s very complicated to go back to the things when they were good cause it has ended once and it’s a lot more easier to end it again. That being said, it’s certainly possible if you both give 100% to rekindle and things go your way. But if you’re already confused I would say take your time!! Wish you well


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