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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I recently broke up to my boyfriend whom i dated for almost 2 years. It was a good relationship initially, we had involved our families. We used to meet each other’s parents, celebrate with cousins, i used to feel so comfortable with his side of family. He was a show off, and always lied to me about almost everything. He cooked up stories and would feed me with every nonsense but the truth about an event. I am quite ambitious and he was very careless and immature. I would worry about our careers and he would never take any interest in our future. I tried talking to him over the years about his lack of clarity about his own life and that i am worried for him as he is not taking anything seriously. Then things took a drastic change when he started cheating on me. I used to find chats and calls with random girls. A friend of mine found him on a dating app. Another friend got asked out by him. But everytime i would ask him or argue, his family came in between and sorted things out. Once i didn’t listen to them and broke up with him. It went well for a while but then he came back and threatened me to commit suicide. I had to say yes to meet him. When we met, he apologized and promised that he would never do anything again. I gave him a second chance as i didn’t have any proofs against him. For a few months he kept on putting so many efforts that i finally came back into a relationship. This time i didn’t see any such activities but his family started ignoring me. Then i got to know that they do not consider me as someone of their standard and advise him to break up with me. He started hiding me from his family. I felt heartbroken, but didn’t say anything. He then started raising his voice, slapped me a few times and i started getting scared of him. He used to care a lot but these things were undeniable. So i simply broke up with him. I tried to end things on a good note by apologizing for my mistakes but a few days ago he called me when he was drunk and firstly he started showing different emotions towards me ranging from sadness, grief, anger, frustration and then hatred and when i repeatedly denied to reconcile. He threatened me that he has my videos that he shot without consent and he would post them everywhere. I kept crying and asking him why is he doing this. But he kept saying i will ruin you or agree to my demands. He kept on making weird sexual demands. When i finally said i am going to tell my family about this. He said i deleted them and then he said i lied cause i wanted to hurt you. I don’t have anything. He said sorry the next day but when i still denied to reconcile. He again started disrespecting me. I removed him from my life. But he keeps coming back and i am scared but mostly hurt. I do not know how to feel, what to think. But i am very disturbed. I do not know what to do to make myself sane. I keep thinking each and every aspect of our relationship, i know he doesn’t deserve any chances but i am scared of getting manipulated by him. What should i do?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande
18 replies

Hey are you ok?


I am unsure of what i am feeling. I just feel sick to my stomach constantly and i am anxious all the time. I don’t know how to fix this.


Don’t you have any friends or close ones whom you can share all your pain?


First of all girl, I’m proud of you that you are strong enough to broke up with him, second please do not get scared of anything, and if he again calls you and he scare you that he will post your videos and photos, just record those calls and talk to your family, take your family in confidence and also go to police and file a complaint against him, and also tell police that he is threatening you by doing all these things and also please don’t ignore him, just atleast file a complaint because you never know there are many psyco people do this in Revenge
Please take some legal action and also after this you’ll feel relax when there will be a complaint against his name

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande

Bhavna P. @bhavna_pande

Hey There,

I can empathize with the internal struggle you’re facing, having endured numerous challenging and emotionally taxing situations. Your resilience and courage to stand up for yourself are truly commendable—never underestimate the strength you’ve shown.

As you navigate through this emotional rollercoaster, moving forward and distancing yourself from these distressing memories will gradually bring a sense of relief. It’s crucial not to compromise your worth, confidence, or identity in the face of such adversity.

Considering the gravity of the situation, my recommendation, as an experienced counselor, is to involve your parents promptly without overthinking potential consequences. Taking this step is vital for your well-being. Should you require further guidance or support, please don’t hesitate to reach out—I am here for you.

Wishing you increased strength during this challenging time, and don’t forget to prioritize your mental well-being by seeking support from loved ones or, if necessary, from a seasoned professional.

Take care,
Counseling Psychologist Bhavna Pande


Thank you.


Hello friend ap thik ho


Yes i am okay.


Record your calls and keep screenshots of his messages. And show them to your parents and then police if needed. More power to you girl 🫡


Take care of yourself beautiful soul 😊


Do you have any plans to give him one more chance?


No. I have decided that he doesn’t deserve any chances from me anymore.


Are you sure ? Ur story doesn’t look like you have taken a strong decision


What if his family tries again


Mmm i have decided. I guess i will keep trying to remind me of my decision.


I already know that they hate me for no real reason. How does it even matter anymore?


So be strong then


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