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Profile picture for Now&Me member @yellow

yellow @yellow

i really wish i wasn’t scared of fireworks because they are so beautiful and cool looking.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavya2urhelp
Profile picture for Now&Me member @yellow
9 replies

why are you scared of fireworks

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yellow

yellow @yellow


im not sure ive just always been scared of them? Maybe because they sound to similar to gun shots i think? or how loud they are?


May be next time wear earplugs coz many people are scared of sound. If this dont help ask your friend to be with you so you can enjoy fireworks.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yellow

yellow @yellow


ive tried wearing earplugs but they still scare me and im pretty friendless so i cant ask a friend, i think ill just stick to watching them online. ha. :']


If it helps.
Don’t miss out on amazing things.
Take care.


Don’t worry, just think this way maybe the sound is scary for one minute but the beauty you see once they burst in colours is so good. Just try for once


Everyone are scared of many beautiful things and reason is too unknown…
Try bursting small crackers mayb yr fear might decrease

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yellow

yellow @yellow


i actually hear them all the time but i could never get use to them πŸ˜“

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavya2urhelp

bhavya @bhavya2urhelp


I was too sacred of gas stove earlier, to be honest. But my recommendation would be to make it as practical as you can.
For example, I tried t figure out how many accidents happen due to gas stoves, how many out of them are deadly, what are my odds of being in that situation. And it somehow relieved me.
Take care.


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