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I really want to kill mysef, I just don’t think I can handle the pressure anymore

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25
10 replies

hold on…whats bothering you???


I feel like all of my friends treat me like I don’t exist and the just would’t mind if I wasn’t here, I’m starting highschool this year so I just know m family and teacher really require good resuts on the exam on me (I’m foreign and at the end of middle school and later hight school we have to write an exam that decides if we pass the school, I hope you ow what I mean) and also that I will choose the right school. I don’t know if I can handle the future, living on my own, having responsibilities. It just scares me The quaranine and the fact we had to write it now doesn’t help either.


dear lets go back when you were small I mean real small when you were a baby you could not walk luckily there was no one to tell that baby that she couldn’t walk and the baby walked and run…now you are a little grown up and you start telling yourself all these. Stop underestimating yourself. Take responsibility of your grades and study and keep it in mind you can only try your best result is not in your hand. In this world a lot good is done by people who couldn’t perform at school. When time will come your will rock…trust me😇


And off-course people care for you not everyone is able to show. I care for you


Maybe you’re right. I can’t really talk about these things with my family or friends, I just don’t feel comfortable enough to do that so hearing that someone accualy believes in you is… nice. Thank you for taking your time and caring about me


If there’s anything you want to share that’s on your mind. Please don’t hesitate to. I’m here to listen.


I responded to the previous coment, I hope that’s ok

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25

i dont know whats your age, but i know one thing for sure that you still haven’t lived the best days of your life. The best days are yet to arrive bud, all this will end eventually and i know it must be really tough for you right now, but happiness is around the corner. just hang in there.


Thank you for saying that, I just don’t know how to cope with my problems and I feel so invible among my friends. Also, I’m 15

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25

15 wowww,
you have the world in front you, dont think about killing yourself because whatever you’re going through right now is nothing compared to what great things you’ll see in life ahead,just hang in there sunshine is around the corner.


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