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I really like this one guy idk if he feels the same about me but u think he does but thn he would’ve made efforts if he liked, like texting me and stuff. Guys do y’all do this to someone y’all really like? Like not texting them all the time ? Is it normal or am I just overthinkig about everything?help me Clear my thoughts pls

9 replies

What I think is if a guy likes you he would definitely text you a lot, he would really want to talk with you a lot specially in the initial stage because he would want to know you, about you and stuff. So if he’s into you, you’ll just know it, there’s no ifs and buts. Remember, guys are simple, if they want you they’ll put efforts, they don’t, you’ll know that subconsciously, and you’ll stay confused if you overthink it.


Yeah…he would’ve definitely made efforts if he really liked me.

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I wasn’t texting my crush just because of my shyness, I didn’t made any efforts just because fear of rejection and hurting one of us! I realised this after ship was sailed, when I could make my move, i was totally in 9th cloud, those violin guys in background never let me think clearly! Although if i could bring back time, i would do anything to keep them!
I’m asking you to not judge them, they might taking their time, they might be shy to express their feelings.
If you really like them, tell them!!


Ok now I’m really confused…idk what to do. I wish I could read people’s mind :(


Just don’t overthink it mate, that will make you thinking about more worse scenarios than actual things that could happen! Just keep yourself busy with other things. So when you get chance to be in front of them, you will be able to observe more about them. Overthinking gives assumption and thoughts that anybody could easily confuse with reality!
Stay calm! If it’s yours it will surely come to you in a way that you never imagined!
I hope I’m being helpful here! 🤞


One thing yar u should take first move if u like him just tell him. He will definitely like r lv u back no option for him soo make ur move first.


U should text first. Its the rules. Whoever likes whomever texts first.

Sidhu @mikey12

Try speaking to him n express ur feelings .See how it goes


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