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Profile picture for Now&Me member @spoonwitch

I really just got this as a place to vent. Everything is horrible, I hate myself so much. I hate how I look and how I speak and everything.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kavyaganesh
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @kavyaganesh

Kavya Ganesh @kavyaganesh


Hey there, that sounds like a tough way to live life. To a certain extent, I guess I relate to that. Those feels started for me when I was in 9th maybe, and have continued ever since, even though they have diminished in intensity for the most part.

I feel like that dislike I had for myself stemmed from the thought that itā€™s because of how I look and my personality that things arenā€™t going good for me. Iā€™ve felt like an outcast quite a lot of times because somewhere along the line someone planted this thought in me that Iā€™m ugly, and I eventually came to believe it.

Try to ask yourself why you hate yourself? Do you dislike things about yourself because people around you donā€™t seem to appreciate it? What are your ideals about how you want to look and be? When and where did you learn that these are what your ideals must be?

I want you to know that these feelings are tough, and theyā€™re not easy to change. But I believe that the very fact that you choose to talk about this, that youā€™d like to do something about it, shows me that you have a good character, that youā€™re strong enough to try to change something. And for that, Iā€™m proud of you. Keep fighting! Everything is going to work out in the end!

Lots of love <3 Take care!


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