Ell @krtlle
I really don’t want to go on anymore :/ I don’t feel like I deserve to be here. I’m almost 20 and I’m so confused about where I want to be in life. I just want all these intrusive thoughts to stop
PRATHAM @pratham_07_07
If you’re depressed I’ll suggest write everything what you think now
And if your confused do the same but try to find answer and if there is no solution talk with someone who have knowledge about that
Ell @krtlle
thanks, I’ll try doing that.
PRATHAM @pratham_07_07
If you start to overthink then text me will talk if you feel like
And take care ♥️
anthony261isme @tonyp
I waited 16 years before I got help. Don’t make the same mistake. Talk to someone now who can help you. They counseled and gave me meds and it’s helped.