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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I really don’t know how to express my feelings. I am able to do anything after my break up recently. I dated my ex boyfriend for 2 and half years. We were too much in love and inseparable . We study together in college . Same class. Used to sit together eat together and share everything,I mean everything with eachother . Our families knew too. The whole college knew about us . I am a topper In class and have always had a great future planned . I even made alterations so that I can always be with him. We both did . After he got seizure and some health issues one and a half year back , things have not been the same . He became moody and abusive after taking medication. At one point even I started to get moody and abusive . We both would have constant fight and all . But regardless we loved eachother and always promised to stay close to eachother. But nearing our break-up day. He suddenly came and said he doesn’t love me anymore . That was the first time he said it . He told me awful things and called me all sorts of stuff . But what hurt me most is how he said " I would another girl right now just to get u off of my life " . That was the most hurtful thing and it stuck with me. I literally begged him to stay . I cried . I even tried to cut myself. The worst part is after somedays my best friend left me and she started hanging out with him . That broke me completely . Then one day I decided to give him back everything he bought me during our relationship . He then threw them in the guys apartment and showed my personal stuff to random boys from college . He even has been going around and telling people bad things about me . The worst part is I have to see him everyday . I have to see him do all this everyday . In front of me. Every morning I wake up I have suicidal thoughts . And I cry myself to sleep everyday. I am not able to do my work like old times. I always feel weak . I am having strong social anxiety. I don’t know what to do. My parents are supportive but still I am feeling very weak mentally. I don’t want to fail . But I see myself drowing into this shit everyday .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ritik_gehlot
13 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Sorry to hear this…thats really awful. Disconnect everything with this guy if possible for you and make your own company. Since u r at same vicinity, it’s difficult though. Hope you will be able to manage things. Also, warn him in polite way to maintain decency and respect in relationship evn though u guys have parted ways.


Thank so much for saying that . Ever since the break up I haven’t opened up to anyone . I haven’t talked a single word about him to anyone. I don’t have a friend in class. I was very friendly and a lot of friends before . During the relationship I wasn’t able to socialize. But after the break up I have been isolated from the class.


I can understand how deeply hurt and frustrated you must be feeling. It’s not easy to go through such a difficult breakup, especially when faced with hurtful comments and actions from someone you were close to. It’s important to remember that your worth is not defined by someone else’s words or actions.

As for that guy, he clearly showed a lack of respect and decency in handling the situation. People who resort to such behavior often have their own issues to deal with. While it might be tempting to retaliate, try focusing on your own healing and well-being.

Cutting ties with toxic individuals is a crucial step towards rebuilding your life. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who truly care about you. Seek professional help to navigate through the emotional challenges you’re facing.

Remember, you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. Don’t let someone else’s negativity define your self-worth and I have sent you connect request “I can feel you”.
We can discuss more about this on dm


Thank you so much for understanding. This means a great deal.


Your words are true to reality.
can you please connect me i need help. I’m dealing something similar with my toxic bf.


Hie yeah we can talk. I’m feeling a bit low too. Please drop ur I’d let’s connect.

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Hey can you accept my connection request lets talk

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ritik_gehlot

ritik @ritik_gehlot

Well take care of yourself firstly, you can go through it all . I would love to connect and share experience.


Thank you so much. Il try to connect

No one @splendid_quirky

Dat guy doesn’t deserve your love and affection… it might be a long process for you to move on from this kind of toxic breakup… but you can and you will…


Any update?


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