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I proposed my ex again aftrr 1 year of breakup, 3 days ago…she asked for few days to reply, i was so excited bcoz i knew she love me but she her circumstances doesnt allow her to sustain a relationship like meeting up and all…even though we live just 2km apart,…still, i told her that i understand all of her prblms and just want to love you like i never did, with everything that we didnt had the last time,…today she accepted my proposal and im happy, but not as much as i expected myself to be…no, it was not just infatuation…ive known her for 9 years now…and i wanna be with her for life, but why imnot as thrilled as i should be??

5 replies

Maybe because you already knew what will be the answer ¯_(ツ)_/¯


No, even though i was sure of her love,… she mightve said no bcoz of the circumstances…

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I realle agree with you…second chance should be only for people who deserve it, and im embarassed to admit that i dont deserve a third chance with her…but she did gave me, and i will never make her regret her decision,…


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