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I only have like 4 friends in cllg who now i realise were there just cause they wanted stuff from me. Like they now make me feel bad about everything and dont communicate as its almost the end of my degree. Those 4 live together, make plans together and dont even care to ask me. It makes me feel bad. Am i wrong in any way?

5 replies

Nope! Nothing is wrong w them or you. It’s just a course of life that nothing is permanent. Since they live together, ofcourse it’s easier to make plans within. They are still your friends.

If you want you can tell them to inform you too whenever they plans and if that doesn’t work, it’s fine. You’ll always find people around. Even if not, you’ll have to accept the change. :))


Sometimes you have to enjoy your own company , the world is like this . If you let it get to you then you will not be able to be happy . I only have one friend whom i do not talk to that much but i dont feel bad about it i think that god has given us a chance to be peaceful and enjoy our company and realise our worth.


Might be something wrong in you … but world is like that only my friends… now or then selfishness of each person… takes stand… so what i suggest is just go with flow… life is like flowing water… so just go with flow… if anyone come to your life just acpt it… if they leaves … dont get tensioned or worry about it…i hope you watched master movie …there is one song " Life is very short nanbe always be happy"(dont be sad my friend)


If something is wrong in me then why do they call me and ask for help? If their friends are so right they should sort it out amongst themselves!


Sorry there is correction- might be wrong with u or them


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